Planning a wedding?

Now have a beautiful wedding in your own budget!


While there are umpteen event companies managing fancy, sophisticated corporate functions with much dexterity, nowhere will you come across a venture that takes up the responsibility of planning your traditional functions, which may seem casual and informal, but require painstaking efforts to work out smoothly. Nowadays, due to time constraints and lack of manpower in families, planning an elaborate function has become a daunting task for many. And there exist no event planners who’re familiar with every little ritual and custom involved in these matters. Or at least there weren’t any, until Patankar Events arrived on the scene and took up the initiative!


Comprising a lively, enthusiastic and very traditionally-bound team, Patankar Events use many innovative concepts, including the evergreen song-and-dance spiel, to put up a function to remember! Every family wishes for their own event to stand out from the others, yet retain the household’s personal touch. To achieve this, we make it a point not to stick to a single template or simply replicate the event for each family. Instead, we peep into the household, get acquainted with the particular family we’re working for, and try to put up a thoroughly customized programme! We take pride in making friends with our clients. And since each one has a different personality, a different taste, a different quirk, each of our events too, turns out to be novel and unique!

Oh, and did we mention that we have a pretty remarkable office? We invite all of you to come visit us, we love to be the gracious hosts. If you are too far away, to pay us a visit, we have organised a special tour of our office, especially for you. Take a look.

OUR SERVICES – आमचे नैपुण्य

More than event planners we are event designers

New Beginnings

At the Munjis we organise, the dais is transformed into a beautiful and authentic traditional set, adorned with the life-size decor and the traditional Sanskrit Upanishads are blended with chaste Marathi and recited engagingly! We have on board renowned authors who have penned down beautiful lyrics for the Mangalashtaka. These verses, which reflect every emotion associated with the thread ceremony, are rendered melodiously by a pair of professional singers, and end up enlivening the atmosphere! We offer a unique concept of traditional themes for this event.

More than event planners we are event designers

Eternal bonds

A picture-perfect marriage is the perfect culmination of love. Fairy tales, romance novels, love songs – every love story has an ‘and they lived happily ever after’ ending. Every girl in the world secretly fancies of being the lovely bride and getting married in that perfect, dreamlike, beautiful setting alive with pomp and fanfare. And every mother wishes for her daughter to have an exquisite wedding, which would be the talk of the town for the next few days!

Dohale jevan, Dohaljevan services

Baby Shower
डोहाळे जेवण

Every child needs a little pampering. Then why not ‘shower’ some treats on the mother giving birth to it? That’s how we look at the beautiful concept of a baby shower, or Dohal-Jevan. At Patankar Events, we make sure the expectant mother is treated like a queen at her culturally decked Dohal-Jevan!

More than event planners we are event designers

The Name Game

Shakespeare famously questioned, “What’s in a name?” Well, if you too, adhere to the famous playwright’s belief in seeing an entity’s name as insignificant, attending a christening ceremony organized by Patankar Events might just change your mind! Be it a newly-found company, brand new business or a bouncy, cuddly little baby, we believe giving an identity to something special is one of life’s extremely crucial tasks, and we help people make a beautiful, unforgettable event out of it!

Eksashthi services


Sahasrachandra Darshan – It is a tradition of expressing reverence for age and experience. Sahasrachandra Darshan signifies that at the age of eighty, a person would have seen a thousand full moons in his life. Family and friends gather to celebrate the wisdom and experience of the beloved octogenarian.

More than event planners we are event designers

Celebrating Life

No matter how old you get, birthdays are always special. And there are ways to make them even more special and memorable. Through Patankar Events, we manage impeccably planned birthdays, be it a surprise party for someone you love, or the special first birthday of a child, we will always find ways to make such events a part of fond memories for everyone involved.